Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama

WHEREAS, Alabama students are today facing extreme challenges such as peer pressure to abuse drugs and alcohol, negative influences in the media, school violence and gang activities, and low self-esteem; and

WHEREAS, the students of Alabama are our state’s single greatest resource and in the coming years will assume leadership positions in this state and responsibility for the advancement of our society; and

WHEREAS, it is incumbent upon us as parents, corporate and community leaders to do everything within our power  to protect the students of Alabama and help them develop qualities of character, essential for their future family and leadership roles; and

WHEREAS, for the past 20 years, First Priority Alabama has been at the forefront of ministry to students; and

WHEREAS, March 25, 2011 has been set aside as a Day of Prayer Over Students, and Alabamians are encouraged to pray for God’s protection, guidance and peace, and for opportunities and blessings on the students of Alabama; and

WHEREAS, on this day prayer will be offered for ours schools, teachers and administrators for God’s wisdom and knowledge as they impart on the students of ours state the great lessons of life and morality, and the education that each student deserves:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert Bentley, Governor of Alabama, do hereby do proclaim March 25, 2011, as a

Day of Prayer Over Students Across Alabama

in the state of Alabama.

Given Under My Hand and the Great Seal of the Office of the Governor at the State Capitol in the City of Montgomery on the 9th day of February 2011.


Governor Robert Bentley