Under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by law and pursuant thereto, I do hereby amend Executive Order Number 10, executed April 6, 2011, by deleting the same in its entirety and inserting in lieu thereof the following:

WHEREAS, the ability to purchase real property is an unalienable right of every Alabamian;

WHEREAS, the purchase of a home is one of the most significant financial decisions and commitments that one may make;

WHEREAS, homeowners face monumental challenges as they seek affordable and comprehensive homeowners insurance for perils associated with violent storms, natural disasters, tornadoes or based upon their proximity to areas historically affected by tropical storms and hurricanes; and,

WHEREAS, a lack of affordable comprehensive insurance for such homeowners impacts the State of Alabama far beyond the historically storm damaged communities in which their homes are located.

NOW, THEREFORE, based upon these considerations, and for other good and valid reasons related thereto, I, Robert Bentley, Governor of the State of Alabama, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the State of Alabama, do hereby create the Governor’s Affordable Homeowners Insurance Commission (the “Commission”) to study the various issues arising out of and related to the lack of affordable and comprehensive insurance for Alabama homeowners for perils associated with violent storms, natural disasters, tornadoes or based upon their proximity to areas historically affected by tropical storms and hurricanes and to make recommendations which address the issues they may identify.

BE IT ORDERED that the Commission shall consist of no fewer than seven members, all of whom and whose leadership shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Governor.

BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that the Commission shall make reports to the Governor as requested.

BE IT FURTHER ORDERED that this Executive Order become effective immediately upon signing and shall remain in force until such time as it is modified or rescinded by the Governor.

DONE AND ORDERED this 24th day of May, 2011.

Robert Bentley



Beth Chapman

Secretary of State