National Retirement Planning Week

WHEREAS, each day about 10,000 Baby Boomers, who are members of a generation largely unsure of its financial future, are about to enter their retirement years; and

WHEREAS, Americans today rely on their own savings to provide for their financial security in retirement; and

WHEREAS, a unique set of challenges has emerged, including changes in employee benefits, longer life spans, as well as the rising cost of health care, that has made preparing for retirement increasingly more difficult; and

WHEREAS, many consumers are unaware of the financial challenges ahead and are unprepared for their retirement years; and

WHEREAS, the latest research findings from the Insured Retirement Institute (IRI) have shown that Baby Boomers’ confidence in their financial preparations for retirement are steadily dropping, with barely a quarter optimistic about their situation in 2015; and

WHEREAS, carving some time out on a routine basis to review one’s finances and assess one’s financial preparedness for retirement is an achievable first step; and

WHEREAS, being proactive about retirement planning and seeking professional guidance when necessary can help Americans achieve financial freedom; and

WHEREAS, developing a comprehensive retirement plan is an important step that will lead many Americans to save more and ultimately achieve a financially secure future:

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Robert Bentley, Governor of Alabama, do hereby proclaim the week of April 13 to 17, 2015, as

National Retirement Planning Week

in the state of Alabama.