Governor Bentley Announces New Leadership Team for Governor’s Office

MONTGOMERY – Governor Robert Bentley on Friday announced a new leadership team for the Governor’s Office with the goal of continuing to serve the citizens of Alabama, creating jobs and making state government more effective and efficient.

Senior staff to the Governor will be members of a new leadership management team responsible for carrying out the core operations of the Governor’s Office.  The team will be co-led by Deputy Chief of Staff for Administration Blake Hardwich and Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy Jon Barganier. Additionally, Barganier will serve as the primary point of contact for the Governor’s Office.

“Each member of our senior executive staff plays an important role in helping me serve the people of this state,” Governor Robert Bentley said. “Our team brings a wealth of knowledge and experience, as well as a heart for the people we serve, to the Governor’s Office. The leadership team will work to strengthen our efforts to make Alabama stronger and better for all Alabamians.”

The Governor’s Leadership Team replaces Chief of Staff Seth Hammett, who announced to staff and cabinet earlier this week he was returning to the private sector.

“I appreciate Seth Hammett’s service as Chief of Staff, and his dedication to serve in my administration,” Governor Bentley said.  “We made great strides in economic development and workforce training during the 2015 Regular Session, and I appreciate Seth’s guidance and experience in both fields.”

“I want to thank Governor Bentley for his trust in me and the opportunity to serve as his Chief of Staff over the last year.  Under his leadership and direction, we have made many improvements to the way state government operates and have tackled many difficult issues together.  It has been a richly rewarding experience to serve in this capacity and once again, work for the people of this state,” Hammett said.