Tax Day: Governor Bentley Releases Income Tax Filing

MONTGOMERY—Governor Robert Bentley on Monday released his 2015 income tax filing.

“As a promise to the people of Alabama, I am again releasing my income tax filings for the citizens of Alabama to see the financial standing of their governor,” Governor Robert Bentley said. “It is a mark of transparency that the people of Alabama value, and one that I have prioritized.  As long as I am governor, these filings will be made public to continue the legacy of transparency promise I made years ago.”

Governor Bentley released his 2009 tax return during the campaign and has continued to make public his federal and state tax returns every year since being elected. He is currently the only statewide-elected official in Alabama who releases tax returns. The Governor also promised to the people of Alabama that he would not take a salary as governor until Alabama’s unemployment dropped to 5.2 percent.  His 2015 tax filing shows that the Governor is still not accepting a state salary.

A copy of the Governor’s 2015 federal and state income tax filing can be found here.