Governor Bentley Announces Alabama National Guard/Education Partnership for Geneva County

Alabama Governor Robert Bentley announces a new partnership between the Alabama National Guard, Alabama Department of Education, Alabama Community College System and Geneva County Board of Education to co-use the Fort Fred M. Fleming Armory in Geneva for the National Guard and Career Technical Education for Geneva County students. Monday, May 9, 2016. (Governor's Office, Daniel Sparkman)
Alabama Governor Robert Bentley announces a new partnership between the Alabama National Guard, Alabama Department of Education, Alabama Community College System and Geneva County Board of Education to co-use the Fort Fred M. Fleming Armory in Geneva for the National Guard and Career Technical Education for Geneva County students. Monday, May 9, 2016. (Governor's Office, Daniel Sparkman)

GENEVA—Governor Robert Bentley on Monday announced a new partnership for Geneva County students to utilize the Geneva County Armory as a Career Technical Education Center (CTE).

“Workforce development training for high school students provides hope and a great opportunity for employment,” Governor Robert Bentley said. “The Alabama National Guard, Alabama Community College System, and State Department of Education have all partnered with local education officials in Geneva County to jointly utilize the Geneva County Armory. This is a win-win for soldiers who use the armory to train and students who need access to career technical classes. I believe this partnership will support the community and provide a model for other areas of Alabama.”

The Alabama National Guard continues to search for ways to maximize available resources through savings or cost avoidance, maintain or improve services to Guardsmen and families and strengthen bonds in Alabama communities. One tool the Alabama Guard is using is the Army Community Partnership Program (ACP2), a pilot initiative which provides a formal and supportive forum for military installations and communities to work together to address mutual needs, capabilities and capacities. As part of the ACP2, the Alabama National Guard along with the Alabama Department of Education, Alabama Community College System, Geneva City Board of Education and the Geneva County Board of Education will be partnering together to renovate and co-use the 11,725 square foot Geneva armory as a place for soldiers of the 173rd Infantry Company to train during drill weekends and for Geneva County students to utilize as a Career Technical Education Center during the week.

The CTE center will have five programs for students. Prospective programs include: health science, teaching and learning, pre-engineering, welding and HVAC or automotive technology.

“Without the support of Alabama’s giving citizens, our Governor and the state Legislature, this partnership and venture would have never become a reality,” Alabama National Guard Adjunct General Perry Smith said. “This partnership program has made more progress for the Alabama National Guard than any other effort I have seen in 33 years of service.”

“This announcement is a game changer for Geneva County. This type of career tech education was simply out of reach for many of our students and this partnership places incredible opportunities for advanced learning right in their own backyard,” Rep. Donnie Chesteen (R-Geneva) said. “Not only will the CTE center ensure that Geneva County students have a chance at a brighter future, the revitalization of the Armory is a benefit to our community, the economy, and the state.”

Photos of the event are available here.